Fluid Information

For a pure fluid, this window shows reference information, including key fixed point parameters (e.g., the critical temperature), for the selected pure fluid. Information on the model, its limits of applicability, and reference citations are provided separately for the equation of state, viscosity equation, thermal conductivity equation, surface tension equation, and melting and sublimation lines by clicking on the tab near the bottom.

The literature citations describing the selected model and the uncertainty of the equation are provided in the box at the bottom. Some or all of this information can be copied to the Clipboard or sent to the printer by selecting the text and pressing one of the Copy or Print buttons. Copied information can be pasted into other applications.

If more than one model is available for any of these properties, the list box directly below the box containing information on the range of applicability of the model can be used to select alternative models. Click on the arrow to the right of the box to display the available models. The recommended model is identified with the term ‘NIST Rec’. An alternate model may be selected for subsequent calculations by clicking on its name.

When a mixture has been selected, the fluid information screen will display a window containing the mixture name, molar mass (molecular weight), critical properties, and mixture composition. The mixture composition can be viewed using either mole fractions or mass fractions. Clicking on a mixture constituent name will bring up the fluid information screen described above for that constituent. If a grid has been previously opened using Calculate/Specified State Points, the Add to Table button can be used to copy the critical point and maximum temperature and pressure values to the table.